Katy Perry - Roar (Official)

Relationships are bonds that need to be built up and maintained in order to keep them healthy and allow them to grow. Unfortunately, break ups do happen, and they are stressful and frustrating. If you are wondering, how do I save my relationship, here are 5 ways to help get you started on getting your ex back. 1 - Remain strong. Appearing needy is not attractive and is going to push your ex farther away. No begging, clinging or behaviors that make you seem desperate. You want your ex to think you are ok, so they realize that, they are not OK with out you. 2 - Keep communication minimal. Take a break and give each other some time to stew. Absence makes the heart grow fonder. Give your ex some time to clear his or her head and realize how valuable your relationship was. 3 - Be flexible. Do not be demanding and forceful about picking their things up, moving out or what ever it may be. Remain calm and collected, be flexible, listen and sympathize. Your ex will be surprised by this behavior and may be inspired to communicate with you and give you an in to saving your relationship. 4 - Remain Social - This is no time for you to be alone. Call your friends and get the heck out of the house. You do need to be getting out and having some "me time", enjoy your time with your friends. Not only will this be therapeutic for you, but it will also have your ex wondering why you are having so much fun with out them. 5 - Be yourself! - You have to be yourself at all times. "You" are who your ex fell in love with don't try and be anything different. Let them remember who they fell in love with and that they need that person back.