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I'm not going to say Russia is a white Knight as there involvement in Syria would has many reasons including their disputes with NATO, but they may be a solution to this war. Clearly NATO in the Middle East is blatant greed driven murder which has fostered and encourage radicals by stripping people of everything. The US is clearly using ISIS today to destroy Syria. I do however hope that Russia intervention in Syria will bring an end to a slaughter house war which has destroyed the country. It's just a shame that America is in the middle east and won't leave as they are the major cause of the issues. It's important to point out however that they are not attacking Islam - their just manipulating and using religion to rob and plunder - they are driven by material greed, not distorted notions of righteousness The USA is certainly an agenda driven war mongering machine hell bent on self gain. I'm not going to say Russia is a white Knight as there involvement in Syria would has many reasons including their disputes with NATO, but they may be a solution to this war. Clearly NATO in the Middle East is blatant greed driven murder which has fostered and encourage radicals by stripping people of everything. The US is clearly using ISIS today to destroy Syria. I do however hope that Russia intervention in Syria will bring an end to a slaughter house war which has destroyed the country. It's just a shame that America is in the middle east and won't leave as they are the major cause of the issues. It's important to point out however that they are not attacking Islam - their just manipulating and using religion to rob and plunder - they are driven by material greed, not distorted notions of righteousness